Books and Book Chapters
Cross WF, Benstead JP, Marcarelli AM, Sponseller RA (editors). 2024. Foundations of Stream and River Ecology: Commentaries on Classic Papers. University of Chicago Press.
Benstead JP, Marcarelli AM, Sponseller RA, Cross WF. 2024. Origins and antecedents: the headwaters of stream ecology, in Foundations of Stream and River Ecology: Commentaries on Classic Papers, Ed. Cross WA, Benstead JP, Marcarelli AM, Sponseller RA (editors). University of Chicago Press.
Dodds WK, Burgin AJ, Marcarelli AM, Strauss EA. 2017. Nitrogen Transformations. Pp 173-196 in: Lamberti GA, Hauer FR (eds) Methods in Stream Ecology Volume 2: Ecosystem Function, 3rd Edition. Elsevier.
Baker MA, Arp CD, Goodman KJ, Marcarelli AM, Wurtsbaugh WA. 2016. Stream-lake interaction: understanding a coupled hydro-ecological system. Pp 321-348 in: Jones JB, Stanley EH (eds) Stream Ecosystems in a Changing Environment. Academic Press.
Scott JT, and Marcarelli AM. 2012. Cyanobacteria in freshwater benthic environments. Pp 271-289 in: Whitton BA (ed) Ecology of the Cyanobacteria II: Their Diversity in Time and Space. Springer.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Fulweiler RW, Berberich ME, Rinehart SA, Taylor JM, Kelly MC, Ray,NE, Oczkowski A, Balint SJ, Geisser AH, Mahoney CR, Benavides M, Church MJ, Loeks B, Newell SE, Olofsson M, Oppong JC, Roley SS, Vizza C, Wilson ST, Groffman PM, Scott JT, Marcarelli AM. 2025. A global dataset of nitrogen fixation rates across inland and coastal waters. Limnology and Oceanography Letters.
Perrotta BG, Kidd KA, Campbell KM, Croteau M-N, Kane TJ, Marcarelli AM, McCleskey RB, Paterson G, Stricker CA, Walters DM. 2025. Metal-rich lacustrine sediments from legacy mining perpetuate copper exposure to aquatic-riparian food webs. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management , vjae023.
Donnelly A, Desai AR, Heckman KA, Nave LE, Cramer MJ, Faust M, Weishampel P, Slemmons C, Andresen CG, Ayres E, Cotey SR, Docherty KM, Hatzis J, Hofmeister K, LaMontagne JM, Lenters J, Lottig NR, Marcarelli AM, Miesel J, Riddle J, Salmon-Tumas M, SanClements MS, Sapkota S, Schwartz MD, Sharma P, Shrestha O, Vincent G, Waupochick A, Zheng T, Zhiwei Y. 2024. Fostering effective and sustainable scientific collaboration and knowledge exchange: a workshop-based approach to establish a national ecological observatory network (NEON) domain-specific user group. International Journal of Biometeorology.
Tiegs SD, Capps KA, Costello DM, Schmidt JP, Patrick CJ, Follstad Shah JJ, LeRoy CJ, the CELLDEX Consortium (Acuña V, Albariño R, Allen DC, Alonso C, Andino P, Arango C, Aroviita J, Barbosa MVM, Barmuta LA, Baxter C, Bellinger B, Boyero L, Bragina L, Brown LE, Bruder A, Bruesewitz DA, Burdon F, Callisto M, Camacho A, Canhoto C, Castillo MM, Chauvet E, Clapcott J, Colas F, Colón-Gaud C, Cornut J, Crespo-Pérez V, Cross WF, Culp J, Danger M, Dangles O, de Eyto E, Derry AM, Villanueva VD, Douglas MM, Elosegi A, Encalada AC, Entrekin S, Espinosa R, Ferreira V, Ferriol C, Flanagan KM, Flecker AS, Fleituch T, Frainer A, Friberg N, Frost PC, Garcia EA, García-Lago L, Soto PEG, Gessner MO, Ghate S, Giling DP, Gilmer A, Gonçalves JF, Gonzales RK, Graça MAS, Grace M, Griffiths NA, Grossart H-P, Guérold F, Gulis V, Gutiérrez-Fonseca PE, Hepp LU, Higgins S, Hishi T, Huddart J, Hudson J, Imberger M, Iñiguez-Armijos C, Isken MW, Iwata T, Janetski DJ, Kirkwood AE, Koning AA, Kosten S, Kuehn KA, Laudon H, Leavitt PR, L Lemes da Silva A, Leroux S, Lisi PJ, MacKenzie R, Marcarelli AM, Masese FO, McIntyre PB, McKie BG, Medeiros A, Meissner K, Miliša M, Mishra S, Miyake Y, Moerke A, Mombrikotb S, Mooney R, Moulton T, Muotka T, Negishi J, Neres-Lima V, Nieminen ML, Nimptsch J, Ondruch J, Paavola R, Pardo I, Peeters ETHM, Pozo J, Prussian A, Quenta E, Reid B, Richardson JS, Rigosi A, Rincón J, Risnoveanu G, Robinson CT, Rodríguez-Gallego L, Royer TV, Rusak JA, Santamans AC, Selmeczy GB, Simiyu G, Skuja A, Smykla J, Sponseller R, Sridhar KR, Stoler A, Swan CM, Teixeira de Mello F, Tonkin JD, Uusheimo S, Veach AM, Vilbaste S, Vought LB-M, Wang C-P, Webster JR, Wilson PB, Woelfl S, Woodward G, Xenopoulos MA, Yates AG, Yoshimura C, Yule CM, Zhang Y, Zwart JA. 2024. Human activities shape global patterns of decomposition rates in rivers. Science 384(6701), 1191-1195.
Eberhard EK, Kane ES, Marcarelli AM. 2023. Heterogeneity in habitat and nutrient availability facilitate the co-occurrence of N2 fixation and denitrification across wetland-stream-lake ecotones of Lakes Superior and Huron. Biogeochemistry 166:169-189.
Marcarelli AM, Fulweiler RW, Scott JT. 2023. Nitrogen fixation across the aquascape: current perspectives, future priorities. Biogeochemistry 166:159-165.
Meingast KM, Kane ES, Marcarelli AM, Wagenbrenner JW, Beltrone VG. 2023. Seasonal trends of DOM character in soils and stream change with snowmelt timing. Water Resources Research 59: e2022WR032014.
Saleem A, Awad A, Paheding S, Marcarelli A. 2023. Multi-class plant type detection in great lakes region using remotely operated vehicle and deep learning. Pattern Recognition and Tracking XXXIV, SPIE 12527:34-40.
Nevorski KC, Marcarelli AM. 2022. High daily and year-round variability in denitrification and nitrogen fixation in a northern temperate river. Frontiers in Water 4: 894554.
Brooks CN, Grimm A, Marcarelli AM, Marion NP, Shuchman R, Sayers M. 2022. Classification of Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) using drone-enabled multispectral imagery analysis. Remote Sensing 14: 2336.
Costello DM, Tiegs SD, Boyero L, Canhoto C, Capps KA, Danger M, Frost PC, Gessner MO, Griffiths NA, Halvorson HM, Kuehn KA, Marcarelli AM, Royer TV, Mathie DM, Albariño RJ, Arango CP, Aroviita J, Baxter CV, Bellinger BJ, Bruder A, Burdon FJ, Callisto M, Camacho A, Colas F, Cornut J, Crespo-Pérez V, Cross WF, Derry AM, Douglas MM, Elosegi A, de Eyto E, Ferreira V, Ferriol C, Fleituch T, Follstad Shah JJ, Frainer A, Garcia EA, García L, García PE, Giling DP, Gonzales-Pomar RK, Graça MAS, Grossart H-P, Guérold F, Hepp LU, Higgins SN, Hishi T, Iñiguez-Armijos C, Iwata T, Kirkwood AE, Koning AA, Kosten S, Laudon H, Leavitt PR, Lemes da Silva AL, Leroux SJ, LeRoy CJ, Lisi PJ, Masese FO, McIntyre PB, McKie BG, Medeiros AO, Miliša M, Miyake Y, Mooney RJ, Muotka T, Nimptsch J, Paavola R, Pardo I, Parnikoza IY, Patrick CJ, Peeters ETHM, Pozo J, Reid B, Richardson JS, Rincón J, Risnoveanu G, Robinson CT, Santamans AC, Simiyu GM, Skuja A, Smykla J, Sponseller RA, Teixeira-de Mello F, Vilbaste S, Villanueva VD, Webster JR, Woelfl S, Xenopoulos MA, Yates AG, Yule CM, Zhang Y, Zwart JA. 2022. Global Patterns and Controls of Nutrient Immobilization on Decomposing Cellulose in Riverine Ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 36:e2021GB007163.
Marcarelli AM, Fulweiler RW, Scott JT. 2022. Nitrogen fixation: a poorly understood process along the freshwater-marine continuum. Limnology and Oceanography Letters 7:1-10.
Fulweiler RW, Davies SW, Biddle JF, Burgin AJ, Cooperdock EHG, Hanley TC, Kenkel CD, Marcarelli AM, Matassa CM, Mayo TL, Santiago-Vàzquez LZ, Traylor-Knowles N, Ziegler M. 2021. Rebuild the academy: supporting academic mothers during COVID-19 and beyond. PLoS Biology 19:e3001100.
Mebane CA, Ray AM, Marcarelli AM. 2021. Nutrient limitation of algae and a macrophyte in streams: integrating laboratory bioassays, field experiments, and field data . PLOS ONE 16:e0252904.
Moutinho FHM, Marafão GA, Calijuri MC, Moreira MZ, Marcarelli AM, Cunha DGF. 2021. Environmental factors and thresholds for nitrogen fixation by phytoplankton in tropical reservoirs. International Review of Hydrobiology 106:5-17.
Collins SF, Baxter CV, Marcarelli AM, Felicetti L, Florin S, Wipfli MS, Servheen G. 2020. Reverberating effects of resource exchanges in stream-riparian food webs. Oecologia 192:179-189.
Hupperts SF, Webster CR, Froese RE, Lilleskov E, Marcarelli AM, Dickinson YL. 2020. Increasing ground-layer plant taxonomic diversity masks declining phylogenetic diversity along a silvicultural disturbance gradient. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 50:1259-1267.
Marcarelli AM, Baxter CV, Benjamin JR, Miyake Y, Murakami M, Fausch KD, Nakano S. 2020. Magnitude and direction of stream-forest community interactions change with time scale. Ecology 101:e03064.
Meingast KM, Kane ES, Coble AA, Marcarelli AM, Toczydlowski D. 2020. Climate, snowmelt dynamics and atmospheric deposition interact to control dissolved organic carbon export from a northern forest stream over 26 years. Environmental Research Letters 15: 104034.
Van Goethem RR, Huckins CJ, Marcarelli AM. 2020. Effects of invasive watermilfoil on primary production in littoral zones of north-temperate lakes. Diversity 12:82. (Great Lakes Research Center Contribution no. 69).
Brooks CN, Grimm AG, Marcarelli AM, Dobson RJ. 2019. Multiscale collection and analysis of submerged aquatic vegetation spectral profiles for Eurasian watermilfoil detection. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 13:037501.
Coble AA, Marcarelli AM, Kane ES. 2019. Year-round measurements reveal seasonal drivers of nutrient uptake in a snowmelt-driven headwater stream. Freshwater Science 38:156-169. (Great Lakes Research Center Contribution no. 54).
Marcarelli AM, Coble AA, Meingast KM, Kane ES, Brooks CN, Buffam I, Green SA, Huckins CJ, Toczydlowski D, Stottlemyer R. 2019. Of small streams and Great Lakes: Integrating tributaries to understand the ecology and biogeochemistry of Lake Superior. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 55:442-458. (Great Lakes Research Center Contribution no. 55).
Ortiz JE, Marcarelli AM, Juneau KJ, Huckins CJ. 2019. Invasive Myriophyllum spicatum and nutrients interact to influence algal assemblages. Aquatic Botany 156:1-9. (Great Lakes Research Center Contribution no. 52).
Tiegs SD, Costello DM, Isken MW, Woodward G, McIntyre PB, Gessner MO, Chauvet E, Griffiths NA, Flecker AS, Acuña V, Albariño R, Allen DC, Alonso C, Andino P, Arango C, Aroviita J, Barbosa MVM, Barmuta LA, Baxter CV, Bell TDC, Bellinger B, Boyero L, Brown LE, Bruder A, Bruesewitz DA, Burdon FJ, Callisto M, Canhoto C, Capps KA, Castillo MM, Clapcott J, Colas F, Colón-Gaud C, Cornut J, Crespo-Pérez V, Cross WF, Culp JM, Danger M, Dangles O, de Eyto E, Derry AM, Villanueva VD, Douglas MM, Elosegi A, Encalada AC, Entrekin S, Espinosa R, Ethaiya D, Ferreira V, Ferriol C, Flanagan KM, Fleituch T, Follstad Shah JJ, Barbosa AF, Friberg N, Frost PC, Garcia EA, García Lago L, García Soto PE, Ghate S, Giling DP, Gilmer A, Gonçalves Jr. JF, Gonzales RK, Graça MAS, Grace M, Grossart H-P, Guérold F, Gulis V, Hepp LU, Higgins S, Hishi T, Huddart J, Hudson J, Imberger S, Iñiguez-Armijos C, Iwata T, Janetski JD, Jennings E, Kirkwood AE, Koning AA, Kosten S, Kuehn KA, Laudon H, Leavitt PR, Lemes da Silva AL, Leroux SJ, LeRoy CJ, Lisi PJ, MacKenzie R, Marcarelli AM, Masese FO, McKie BG, Medeiros AO, Meissner K, Miliša M, Mishra S, Miyake Y, Moerke A, Mombrikotb S, Mooney R, Moulton T, Muotka T, Negishi JN, Neres-Lima V, Nieminen ML, Nimptsch J, Ondruch J, Paavola R, Pardo I, Patrick CJ, Peeters ETHM, Pozo J, Pringle C, Prussian A, Quenta A, Quesada A, Reid B, Richardson JS, Rigosi A, Rincón J, Rîşnoveanu R, Robinson CT, Rodríguez-Gallego L, Royer TV, Rusak JA, Santamans AC, Selmeczy GB, Simiyu G, Skuja A, Smykla J, Sridhar KR, Sponseller R, Stoler A, Swan CM, Szlag D, Teixeira-de Mello F, Tonkin JD, Uusheimo S, Veach AM, Vilbaste S, Vought LBM, Wang C-P, Webster JR, Wilson PB, Woelfl S, Xenopoulos MA, Yates AG, Yoshimura C, Yule CM, Zhang YX, Zwart JA. 2019. Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones. Science Advances 5:eaav0486.
Eberhard EK, Marcarelli AM, Baxter CV. 2018. Co-occurrence of in-stream nitrogen fixation and denitrification across a nitrogen gradient in a western U.S. watershed. Biogeochemistry 139:179-195. (Great Lakes Research Center Contribution no. 48).
Bump JK, Bergman BG, Schrank AJ, Marcarelli AM, Kane ES, Risch AC, Schutz M. 2017. Nutrient release from moose bioturbation in aquatic ecosystems. Oikos 126:389-397.
Olson JC, Marcarelli AM, Timm AL, Eggert SL, Kolka RK. 2017. Evaluating the effects of culvert designs on ecosystem processes in northern Wisconsin streams. River Research and Applications 33:777–787. (Great Lakes Research Center Contribution no. 44)
Coble AA, Marcarelli AM, Kane ES, Huckins CJ. 2016. Uptake of ammonium and soluble reactive phosphorus in forested streams: influence of dissolved organic matter composition. Biogeochemistry 131:355–372. (Great Lakes Research Center Contribution no. 43)
Coble AA, Marcarelli AM, Kane ES, Stottlemyer JR, Toczydlowski D. 2016. Temporal patterns of dissolved organic matter biodegradability are similar across three rivers of varying size. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 121:1617–1631. (Great Lakes Research Center Contribution no. 37)
Collins SF, Baxter CV, Marcarelli AM, Wipfli MS. 2016. Effects of experimentally added salmon subsidies on resident fishes via direct and indirect pathways. Ecosphere 7:e01248.
Veverica TJ, Kane ES, Marcarelli AM, Green SA. 2016. Ionic liquid extraction unveils previously occluded humic-bound iron in peat pore water. Soil Science Society of America Journal 80:771-782.
Coble AA, Marcarelli AM, Kane ES. 2015. Ammonium and glucose amendments stimulate dissolved organic matter mineralization in a Lake Superior tributary. Journal of Great Lakes Research 41:801–807. (Great Lakes Research Center Contribution no. 24)
Collins SF, Marcarelli AM, Baxter CV, Wipfli MS. 2015. A critical assessment of the ecological assumptions underpinning compensatory mitigation of salmon-derived nutrients. Environmental Management 56:571-586.
Marcarelli AM, Huckins CJ, Eggert SL. 2015. Sand aggradation alters biofilm standing crop and metabolism in a low-gradient Lake Superior tributary. Journal of Great Lakes Research 41:1052-1059. (Great Lakes Research Center Contribution no. 25)
Ebel JD, Marcarelli AM, Kohler AE. 2014. Biofilm nutrient limitation, standing crop, and metabolism responses to experimental application of salmon carcass analog in Idaho streams. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71:1796-1804.
Marcarelli AM, Baxter CV, and Wipfli MS. 2014. Nutrient additions to mitigate for loss of Pacific salmon: consequences for stream biofilm and nutrient dynamics. Ecosphere 5:69.
Ray AM, Mebane CA, Raben F, Irvine KM, and Marcarelli AM. 2014. A combined macrophyte-epiphyte bioassay for assessing nutrient enrichment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186:4081-4096.
Bechtold HA, Marcarelli AM, Baxter CV, and Inouye RS. 2012. Effects of N, P and organic carbon on stream biofilm nutrient limitation and uptake in a semi-arid watershed. Limnology and Oceanography 57:1544-1554.
Mineau MM, Baxter CV, Marcarelli AM, and Minshall GW. 2012. An invasive riparian tree reduces stream ecosystem efficiency via a recalcitrant organic matter subsidy. Ecology 93:1501-1508.
Hopkins JH, Marcarelli AM, and Bechtold HA. 2011. Ecosystem structure and function are complementary measures of water quality in a polluted, spring-influenced river. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 214:409-421.
Marcarelli AM, Baxter CV, Mineau MM, Hall RO. 2011. Quantity and quality: unifying food web and ecosystem perspectives on the role of resource subsidies in freshwaters. Ecology 92:1215-1225.
Mineau MM, Baxter CV, and Marcarelli AM. 2011. A non-native riparian tree (Elaeagnus angustifolia) changes nutrient dynamics in streams. Ecosystems 14:353-365.
Marcarelli AM, Van Kirk RW, and Baxter CV. 2010. Predicting effects of hydrologic alteration and climate change on ecosystem metabolism in a western U.S. river. Ecological Applications 20:2081-2088.
Marcarelli AM, and Wurtsbaugh WA. 2009. Habitat and seasonal variations in nitrogen fixation in linked stream-lake ecosystems. Biogeochemistry 94:95-110.
Marcarelli AM , Bechtold HA, Rugenski AT, and Inouye RS. 2009. Nutrient limitation of biofilm biomass and metabolism in the Upper Snake River basin, southeast Idaho, USA. Hydrobiologia 620:63-76.
Marcarelli AM, Baker MA, and Wurtsbaugh WA. 2008. Is in-stream nitrogen fixation an important nitrogen source for benthic communities and stream ecosystems? Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27:186-211.
Rugenski AT, Marcarelli AM, Bechtold HA, and Inouye RS. 2008. Effects of temperature and concentration on nutrient release rates from nutrient diffusing substrates. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27:52-57.
Marcarelli AM, and Wurtsbaugh WA. 2007. Effects of upstream lakes and nutrient limitation on periphytic biomass and nitrogen fixation in oligotrophic, subalpine streams. Freshwater Biology 52:2211-2225.
Myers AK, Marcarelli AM, Arp CD, Baker MA, and Wurtsbaugh WA. 2007. Disruptions of stream sediment size and stability by lakes in mountain watersheds: potential effects on periphyton biomass. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 26:390-400.
Marcarelli AM, and Wurtsbaugh WA. 2006. Temperature and nutrient supply interact to control nitrogen fixation in oligotrophic streams: an experimental examination. Limnology and Oceanography 51:2278-2289.
Marcarelli AM, Wurtsbaugh WA, and Griset O. 2006. Salinity controls plankton response to nutrient enrichment in Farmington Bay, Great Salt Lake, Utah. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:2236-2248.
Hoham RW, Marcarelli AM, Rogers HS, Ragan MD, Petre BM, Ungerer MD, Barnes JM, and Francis DO. 2000. The importance of light and photoperiod in sexual reproduction and geographical distribution in the green snow alga, Chloromonas sp.-D (Chlorophyceae, Volvocales). Hydrological Processes 14:3309-3321.;2-R
Fulweiler RW, Berberich ME, Rinehart SA, Taylor JM, Kelly MC,Ray NE, Oczkowski A, Benavides M, Church MJ, Loeks B, Newell S, Olofsson M, Oppong J, Roley SS, Vizza C, Wilson ST, Scott JT, Marcarelli AM. 2025. Global dataset of nitrogen fixation rates across inland and coastal waters based on a coordinated synthesis effort ver 2. Environmental Data Initiative.
Kelly MC, Bigcraft I, Kokate PP, Brown LE, Kane E, Techtmann S, Marcarelli AM. 2025. C Concentrations and Characterization Data from DOM Incubation Assay Experiments ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.
Marcarelli AM, Eberhard EK, Kelly MC, and Nevorski KC. 2024. Nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) and denitrification (acetylene block) data from streams across ecoclimatic domains in the United States, 2017-2019 ver 2. Environmental Data Initiative.
Eberhard EK, Kane ES, and Marcarelli AM. 2023. Data from: Heterogeneity in habitat and nutrient availability facilitate the co-occurrence of N2 fixation and denitrification across wetland - stream - lake ecotones of Lakes Superior and Huron ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.
Eberhard EK, Techtmann SM, Baxter CV, and Marcarelli AM. 2023. Patch-level rates of nitrogen fixation and denitrification and environmental covariates from seven streams in Idaho and Michigan ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.
Marcarelli A and Coble A. 2023. Sonde Data (2010-2014) from the Salmon Trout River in the Huron Mountains, Marquette Co., Michigan. ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.
Marcarelli AM, Huckins CJ, and Eggert SL. 2023. Data from Sand aggradation alters biofilm standing crop and metabolism in a low-gradient Lake Superior tributary. ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.
Pennington SC, Alford S, Back MP, Bailey V, Baldwin A, Bolinger J, Bowe M, Boyanov MI, Cianci-Gaskill JA, Conroy NA, Cooper MJ, Day D, Demeo A, Derby K, Detweiler D, Devres-Zimmerman S, Eberhard E, Gedan K, Haaf LA, Homolka KK, Johnson E, Kemner KM, Khan A, Kirwan M, Kittaka P, Koontz E, Langley A, Leff R, Lerberg S, Lewis AM, Malkin S, Marcarelli AM, McMurray SE, Messerschmidt T, Michael TC, Michael HA, Minor EC, Moye B, Mozdzer TJ, Neubauer S, Norris CG, O'Loughlin EJ, Otenburg O, Pain A, Patel KF, Philben M, Phillips E, Pratt D, Regier, P, Roebuck Jr JA, Sage L, Sandborn D, Smith S, Smith A, Soin-Voshell S, Song B, Sprague-Getsy A, St Laurent K, Staver L, Stearns A, Stetten L, Swerida R, Theuerkauf EJ, Tully K, Vargas R, Ward ND, Watson E, Weilminster C, and Myers-Pigg AN. 2023. EXCHANGE Campaign 1: A Community-Driven Baseline Characterization of Soils, Sediments, and Water Across Coastal Gradients. ESS-DIVE.
Schipper RC, Kelly MA, and Marcarelli AM. 2023. Metabolism and decomposition rates from 5 Lake Superior Tributaries, 2018-2019 ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.
Nevorski KC and Marcarelli AM. 2022. Denitrification, nitrogen fixation, and physio-chemical data for Pilgrim River from May 2017 to May 2019 ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.
Brooks CN, Marcarelli AM, Huckins CJ, and Grimm A. 2021. Water chemistry and aquatic vegetation data from Les Cheneaux Islands, Northern Lake Huron, Michigan, USA, 2016-2018 ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.
Eberhard EK, Marcarelli AM, and Baxter CV. 2021. Co-occurrence of in-stream nitrogen fixation and denitrification across a nitrogen gradient in a western U.S. watershed, 2015 - 2016 ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.
Marcarelli, AM, Baxter CV, Benjamin J, Miyake Y, Murakami M, Fausch K, and Nakano S. 2020. Data from: Magnitude and direction of stream-forest community interactions change with time scale [Dataset]. Dryad.
Mebane CA, Ray AM, and Marcarelli AM. 2020. Nutrient limitation of algae and duckweed in streams: data from laboratory bioassays and field experiments. U.S. Geological Survey data release.
Bump, JK, Bergman BG, Schrank AJ, Marcarelli AM, Kane ES, Risch AC, Schutz M. 2016. Data from: Nutrient release from moose bioturbation in aquatic ecosystems [Dataset]. Dryad.